Una cita importante – Ryan Jordan

Todo lo que sigue a continuación fue tomado del blog de Ryan Jordan, pero como lo encontré importante decidí copiarlo para compartirlo.

———————– Cita ———————–

Toys for Boys

A firestarter, a whistle, a compass, a flashlight, and a pocketknife.

Fundamental tools of boyhood. You callin’ me old school? Gimme a break. I was born in 1970.

So, would someone mind telling me which generation of stupid parents
replaced all this with gameboys and daycare centers? Maybe it’s the
same generation that can’t afford to teach their boys to be boys
because they have neither the time nor the energy because they’re breaking themselves up at work. Maybe it’s my generation. Maybe it’s me?

OK, I confess. I’m guilty, often. But I think I’d
rather fight this – hard – than give up because «society
parents…or…college debt…or…or…or…) has put me into this

Should I rather sacrifice self so my son can teach his son:

  • How to build a fire – and stay warm.
  • How to follow a path – or create his own.
  • How to pack his pack – and what to pack.
  • How to be a good steward – and why.
  • How to pitch a tent – and make a home.
  • How to tie a fly, catch a fish, and serve it on a bed of rice.
  • How to find his way.
  • How to love.

How is it that caretakers, videogames, and MP3 players have become
ideological totems of the most recent generation(s) of our youth?

What am I providing my kid that directly impacts his values? How about you?

Live lightly.

———————– Fin de la Cita ———————–

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  1. Perfectas las lineas de Ray Jordan. Estas son el tipo de cosas que ando buscando leer porque parece que el reloj biologico me esta llamando a reproducirme. Que mi descendencia no encuentre la diversion en jugar «la lleva» sobre los arboles de un rio y prefiera entretenerse frente a un monitorsito son cosas que me asustan.

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